PRB: Server Busy dialog blocks Zetafax client and Microsoft Outlook dialog displayed when forwarding faxes via email
ID: ZTN1981
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- All Zetafax Client versions on systems with Outlook installed
When forwarding a fax via email the ‘Server Busy’ dialog, pictured below, appears on top of the Zetafax client and does not allow for the client to be interacted with.

The following Outlook dialog will also be open,

The two dialogs above appear because there is a child dialog open in Outlook, for example the attach file dialog, when the user forwards a fax via email.
- First close the ‘A dialog box is open. Close it and try again’ message from Microsoft Outlook by clicking OK.
- If any child Outlook windows are open (e.g. the Attach File dialog) close them.
- Restart the Zetafax client and try forwarding the fax again.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 7th November 2013 (SB/MW)
Keywords: Zetafax client, forward, Outlook, ‘Server Busy’, ‘A dialog is open’, ‘Microsoft Outlook’