Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Unable to scroll in Zetadocs Document Viewer after clicking Archive



ID: ZTN4438

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV version 6.0 and later


When viewing a document in the Zetadocs Document Viewer and clicking on “Archive”, the NAV window blocks the other windows and the document in the Zetadocs Document Viewer cannot be properly viewed.


When clicking on “Archive”, the new window blocks the other windows from taking focus so the user cannot archive documents.


Users should use “View Original” option when they need to view the archived document for inputing the details in the NAV record.


Equisys is aware of this issue and will update this technical note when a solution has been found.

Last updated: 2nd November 2015 (JR/NT) 

Keywords: document queue view lock

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

Zetadocs is software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV (Navision) that manages the capture, storage and delivery of documents relating to financial transactions.