PRB: Zetafax configuration fails to launch with error
ID: ZTN1078
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax
- MMC 1.2 set-up
When attempting to launch the Zetafax configuration program it fails with a Microsoft Management Console error "MMC cannot create a node manager. Make sure the file Mmcndmgr.dll is registered".
The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) version 1.2 install, fails to register MMCNDMGR.DLL.
The MMCNDMGR.DLL needs to be registered manually this is achieved by following the instructions below:
- From the run command, browse to the MMCNDMGR.DLL.
- This will usually be situated in your C:\WINNT\system32 directory.
- Edit the path as follows: REGSVR32 C:\WINNT\system32\MMCNDMGR.DLL and hit OK.
- You should receive a response from REGSVR32 as follows.

- You may need to register the zetasnap.dll which is located in the zfax\SERVER folder. Use the following line to register the zetasnap.dll
REGSVR32 C:\ZFAX\SERVER\zetasnap.dll
- You should receive the following message.

- The Zetafax Configuration should now work as expected.
If the above registration process failed, it is possible that re-running the Microsoft Management Console version 1.2 install (IMMC.EXE) may resolve this issue. This program is located on the Zetafax 7 CD-ROM or available for download on the Equisys website
If neither solution above is able to resolve the issue, Zetafax may be configured using ZFSETUP.EXE in non-MMC mode by following the instructions below.
- Edit the file zfax\SYSTEM\Z-DB\SETUP.INI (where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax files are installed). Locate the '[OPTIONS]' paragraph then add the following line at the end of this section:
NoMMC : Yes
- Save and close the file.
- The Zetafax configuration program will now launch in non-MMC mode.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 29 September 2000 (GC/DH)