Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Zetafax Web Client does not have option to open ViewFax.tif file



ID: ZTN1296

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax Version 8 (Web Client)
  • Internet Explorer 5.01 or later


There are two slightly differing symptoms as detailed below:

  1. When using the Zetafax web client users may be prompted with an option to open or save ViewFax.tif when trying to view a received fax image file. Some users may prefer to open the file from its current location but the Open option will be greyed out (as below). After it is saved you can open the file in imaging as normal.

  1. Alternatively when you click a link to open a TIFF file you may be prompted to either open the file directly or save the file (as below). This may occur even though you have previously clicked to clear the "Always ask before opening this type of file" check box.


The causes of these issues are as follows:

  1. This issue occurs if you have version 6.0.2713.1500 (or later) of the Shdocvw.dll file installed, this file is normally located in the < system> \system32 folder.
  2. This issue occurs because in the registry both TIFImage.Document (the default ProgID for the .tif and .tiff file extensions) and Imaging.Document point to the same CLSID.  However this CLSID only refers back to one ProgID which is Imaging.Document.


To resolve Issue 1:

  1. Update to the latest service pack for Internet Explorer 6.
  2. Alternatively you can work through Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q319829 "Cannot Open a Tagged Information File format (TIFF) File in Internet Explorer" which can be found on http://support.microsoft.com/.


If it isn't possible to update to the latest service pack of IE, on the server running the Zetafax web client open the web.config file from \\Program Files\Equisys\Zetafax Web Components\web and browse to the Zetafax configuration section (as below):

Edit the value of the "FaxMIMEType" (as highlighted above) from "image/tiff" to "image/g3fax", and then save and close the file. This allows you to open the file in imaging as normal, however you still may be prompted to either open the file directly or save the file.

To resolve Issue 2:

Work through Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q320289 ""Always Ask Before Opening This Type of File" Setting is lost for .tif Files" which can be found on http://support.microsoft.com/


These have been identified by Equisys as problems with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 22 July 2003 (LD/SV)

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