Meeting sustainability targets with electronic document management and delivery Chris Oswald / Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Environmental issues have become increasingly important to businesses as legislation increases, and customers take more notice of a company’s ‘green’ credentials when making purchasing decisions. In fact, a study by GfK Roper Consulting showed that 79% of Americans take a company’s environmental practices into consideration when choosing products to purchase. Companies are therefore working hard to reduce carbon footprints and meet their sustainability targets, and making changes to the way ... Read more
How electronic document delivery and management helps your customers as well as you Chris Oswald / Thursday, December 2, 2010 When considering the benefits of electronic document delivery and filing, many organizations concentrate on the internal benefits such as reduced costs, increased efficiency, disaster recovery and reducing the risk of mislaid documents. However, the benefits of managing documents electronically can reach outside of the ... Read more