Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

FIX: "Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure" when Connector is installed in second routing group.



ID: ZTN1304

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax Connector version
  • Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server


When the connector is installed on an Exchange 2000 server no errors are reported during the installation, but when the system attempts to start the service either after the install or after restarting the server, the following error occurs:

Also in the System event log the following error is logged.

Event Type:                             Error

Event Source:                         Service Control Manager

Event Category:                      None

Event ID:                                7023

Date:                                      < DATE>

Time:                                      < TIME>

User:                                      N/A

Computer:                              < SystemName>

Description:                            The Zetafax Connector service terminated with the following error:

The service did not start due to a logon failure. 


This is due to the fact that the connector is installed on an exchange server that is configured in an administrative group that consists of more than one routing group.  Example below:

First Organization consists of First Administrative Group, which consists of First Routing Group and Second Routing Group. "Dublin" server is the master for First Routing Group, and "Routing" server is the master for Second Routing Group. Both have the Zetafax connector installed on them, but it fails to run on one of them.

NOTE: This error should only occur if you have a single Organization with two Administrative Groups with a single routing group in each.


Equisys has produced an updated version of the connector that resolves the issue detailed above. The update can be downloaded from the following link.


After you have downloaded the update, you will need to work through the following steps which are detailed later in this technical note:

  • Uninstall the Zetafax Connector from the Exchange server with the error.
  • Install the new connector on both exchange servers.
  • If you have not already done so, configure a new Zetafax server and email gateway to use the connector in the second routing group.
  • Copy coversheets and letterheads from one Zetafax server to another.

Uninstall the Zetafax Connector from exchange server.

  1. Shut down any instances of the Exchange System Manager before continuing.
  2. Open the Add/Remove Programs applet from the Control Panel (as below).

  1. Click Change/Remove to uninstall the connector, then Yes to confirm.
  2. Click OK to confirm that Exchange System Manager is closed.
  3. The Zetafax Connector will now be uninstalled; you should receive a message to confirm this. Click OK to continue.

Note: if the uninstall program reported problem removing some files, the Exchange Server System should be restarted and these files should be deleted manually.

Install updated Connector on Exchange server.

  1. After removing the Zetafax Connector, you should install the downloaded update.
  2. The update will extract the installation files to a temporary folder and run the installation automatically.
  3. Run though the installation procedure as normal.
  4. After installing the updated connector check the Zetafax Connector service to verify that it has started.

Configure a new Zetafax server.

This installation now has two connectors within the same organisation. If there is only one Zetafax server in the organisation another Zetafax server is required to communicate with the second connector.

This may have already been done, but if it has not, you need to install and configure a Zetafax server with the email gateway for the second connector.

For more information on how to do this please refer to the Zetafax user manual and ZTN1238 HOWTO Install the email gateway for Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000

Copy coversheets and letterheads from one Zetafax server to another.

Once you have both Zetafax server and connectors running, users in both routing groups will be able to send and receive faxes via their respective connector without issue.

However if the users wish to specify a coversheet or letterhead from within Outlook (using the Outlook forms and extensions) you will find that some or all of the coversheets/letterheads options that Outlook provides are not available on the new Zetafax server. This is because the coversheet and letterhead information in the connector is stored at the organisation level not at the routing group level.

To resolve this work through the following steps:

  1. On both Zetafax servers browse to the Zfax\SYSTEM\Z-COVER folder, one should contain a folder named Template, two files named Covsheet.xxx and one file named Msgdir.ctl. This folder should be emptied. You may wish to copy all these files temporarily to another location.
  2. The other folder will contain all the coversheets that have been created for that particular organisation. You need to copy the entire contents of this folder into the empty folder on the other Zetafax server.
  3. After you have done this, it needs to be repeated with the contents of the Zfax\SYSTEM\Z-LETTER folder.

Note: When creating new coversheets on either Zetafax server make sure that there isn't already a coversheet with the same name on the other Zetafax server to reduce conflicts between the information in Outlook forms and extensions.

After the update has been applied and appropriate changes made users in both routing groups will be able to send and receive faxes.


This behaviour was corrected in the version as documented in this technical note.

Last updated: 24 November 2003 (SV/LD)

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