Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Manually add Zetafax forms for Outlook 2003 if they are not installed automatically



ID: ZTN1836

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2010 with Outlook 2003


If you have installed the Zetafax client applications with Outlook integration selected but the Zetafax button does not load the correct form, this may be due to the Zetafax forms not being imported correctly. To resolve this you can quickly import the Zetafax forms manually as per the instructions below.

More information

Download the Zetafax forms for Outlook 2003 from this link:

On the affected machine(s) copy the Zetafax forms to the Personal Forms folder in Outlook:

  1. Select Open a Outlook Data File from the 'File' menu
  2. Browse to the directory where the download was extracted to
  3. Browse into the 'ZFFORMS' sub-folder, select the file Zetafax.pst and click Open
  4. The Zetafax folder will now appear in the Outlook tree-view
  5. Expand the Zetafax item and click on the 'Forms' sub-item
  6. Select 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu
  7. On the sub-dialog, click on the 'Other' tab
  8. Select the 'Advanced Options' button
  9. Click the 'Custom Forms' button
  10. Click the 'Custom Forms' tab
  11. Click on 'Manage Forms'
  12. Click on the 'Set' button (the left-hand window on an English OS) and select the Zetafax Forms folder from the displayed window
  13. Click on the other 'Set' button and select your 'Personal Forms' folder
  14. Copy the fax forms from the .pst file to the Personal Forms folder by clicking the 'Copy' button
  15. Click the 'Clear Cache' button
  16. Dismiss the dialogs

This should resolve the issue.

Last updated: 13th April 2011 (AC/MW)

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Zetafax is our award winning fax server software that delivers secure, fast and cost effective document distribution.