HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs SMTP test delivery errors
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs Delivery (Extension and Server-Side installation)
- Exchange online SMTP
This technote will guide you through several methods to resolve issues where running the 'Test SMTP settings' from the Zetadocs Delivery Settings page results in failure messages or generic error messages.
While this technote will focus on the Exchange online SMTP server, this technote may also apply for some other SMTP services that you may wish to use.
More information
The error message relating to most issues will most likely be:

"Zetadocs has encountered an error when executing the Zetadocs Web Api request. The returned error type was not recognized. Please contact your Administrator."
This error message is the result most likely when there's an authentication issue or an issue contacting the SMTP server.
Troubleshooting steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you are able to send out via the SMTP server without using Zetadocs. To do this please take a look into the following technote: HOWTO: Test SMTP on Exchange Online is working for use with Zetadocs (
Step 2
Ensure that the user specified in the User ID field has permissions to 'Send on behalf of' the user specified in the 'From' Address.
This is often a big cause of issues with delivery as the from address can be changed dynamically, though the user who is authenticating the SMTP connection during setup often doesn't have permissions to send on behalf of other users. So this will need to be granted within the Exchange online (or other SMTP systems) administration tool.
Step 3
As of October 2022, Microsoft disabled SMTP basic authentication (See here) for all new tenants, or your Office 365 admin may have already disabled basic authentication for SMTP. Therefore there are steps to run through in order ensure you are able to send via SMTP via that Office 365 tenant as well as that user.
One option is to switch to using Microsoft 365 sending, which will use the signed in user to send all messages (See here)
If you wish to carry on using SMTP, then you will need to ensure that this is setup correctly. Please see the following technote for further information: FIX: Zetadocs Delivery fails to send after Basic authentication disabled in Exchange Online (
FIX: Zetadocs Delivery fails to send after Basic authentication disabled in Exchange Online (
HOWTO: Test SMTP on Exchange Online is working for use with Zetadocs (
HOWTO: Use Zetadocs Delivery with Exchange Online (
Enable or disable SMTP AUTH in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn
Last updated: 5th October 2022 (BB/NT)
Keywords: Zetadocs Delivery, Zetadocs SMTP, Basic Authentication, Troubleshoot