INFO: Difference between the Archiving and "Save As" features
ID: ZTN3524
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs 2.0 client and later
Zetadocs offers various ways to store and organise the documents that are sent from within the client. This document will explain the different ways you can save or archive the files using the different features available.
More information
Depending on your needs, you can either use the archive feature or you can save the PDF documents directly to disk.
Archiving is a way of storing and searching your sent PDF documents, allowing you to view your documents in the future, resend your documents or add them to a new document.
When archiving is switched on, a copy of the PDF file will automatically be placed in the archive folder when you select send from the client (or do the equivalent using embedded addressing commands).
The PDF file will normally be given the same name as the PDF file attached to the email.
Note: In the event of the filename not being unique the following convention will be adopted:
< original filename> (n).pdf
where n increments to the next available unique number.
If you wish to archive a file with a set name, you can specify this using the Output file embedded command.
The following information is stored when documents are added to the archive.
. Document Name
. Date Created
. User Name
. Recipients
. Email Subject
Any PDF document that you have already sent using Zetadocs can be re-submitted if archiving has been set up. This is done using the Re-Submit option. This will create a new Zetadocs document (named the same as your original PDF document), storing all information, attachments and stationery with the original document. This allows you to add other attachments, stationery and email sections as required before sending the document again.
Save As
When you print a document to the Zetadocs Printer you are able to save the document in PDF format. Unlike the archive feature which saves additional information, you are only saving the PDF file, no added information (for example email address) is saved. By selecting Save As you are able to save the PDF either locally or over the network where other users are able to access it.
Using Save As is particularly useful if you have produced a file that will be used by other people on the network. If you have produced a document that requires a letterhead and company logo watermark for instance, you can add these from the stationery in your Zetadocs, apply them and save the file as a new PDF, which means that other people will not have to perform these steps every time they need to email the document.
Last updated: 28 April 2006 (TA/EB/PC)