PRB: Error 'ZDNAV licence does not allow this action' shown when using drag and drop
ID: ZTN4327
This Zetadocs technical note applies to systems with:
- Version v.4.x of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV and above
- A recently upgraded version of the Zetadocs PDF client to v8.0 or greater.
Some users generate the following error when attempting to use either drag-and-drop or the delivery Zetadocs functionality.
“Your ZDNAV licence does not allow this action”
Open General Settings of Zetadocs for NAV, the licence number will be empty. But when the Zetadocs PDF client is opened the license information is available and the correct number of users are active.

The upgrade to use a more recent version of PDF client with an older version of NAV causes a discrepancy in the Zetadocs API.
The issue can be resolved by moving the license to Active Directory (strongly recommended). This option is available in the General tab of the Zetadocs PDF Configuration as shown below.

If this is not possible please contact Equisys Technical Support to discuss upgrading the Zetadocs for NAV client.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 10th March 2014 (SB/BM)
Keywords: General, Settings, License, Number, Client, PDF, ZDNAV, allow, action