PRB: Exchange 2000/2003 connector install reports that it is already installed
ID: ZTN1159
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 7.5 Exchange connector or later.
During a re-installation of the Exchange 2000/2003 connector you receive a warning that the Exchange connector is already installed and you should first remove it using 'Add/Remove Programs' before continuing. Viewing the list of currently installed programs you find no entry for the Zetafax connector.
You have not rebooted the Exchange server after uninstalling or the uninstall process has not successfully removed all of the connector files on restart. It is also possible that the previous install was aborted before completion.
If you experience this symptom you need to work through the following steps to resolve it:
- Restart the Exchange server and attempt to run the installation program again. If this is successful you need take no further action, however if it fails at the same point continue below.
- Log on to the Exchange server system as a user that is a member of all the following Windows 2000/3 security groups.
- Enterprise Admins
- Domain Admins
- Schema Admins
- Browse to the \EXCHSRVR folder, the location of this folder will vary according to how Exchange was installed on your system. (Default is 'Program files' on your system drive).
- Browse to the '\EXCHSRVR\ADDRESS' folder and delete the 'FAX' folder. If you are unable to delete the fax folder then you may not yet have rebooted the Exchange server or Exchange is currently using the proxy address generator. Stop the Exchange services and delete the 'FAX' folder. This step is unnecessary for Zetafax version 8.0.1 and above.
- Then remove the 'ZETAFAX' folder in the '\EXCHSRVR\CONNECT' folder.
- If you have upgraded to Exchange2000/3 from Exchange 5.5, then you will need to browse to the 'EXCHSRVR\ADD-INS' folder and delete the 'ZFCADMIN', 'ZFMBXADMIN' and 'ZFSITEADMIN' folders if they are still there.
- You should now be able to run the install of the connector correctly. If during this install you receive a message that you already have a connector object installed in this routing group. Then continue with the steps below:
Note: To continue with these instructions you will need to install the Windows 2000/3 Support tools on the Exchange server. These are on your Windows 2000/3 installation disk (in the SUPPORT\TOOLS folder).
- Run the application ADSI Edit (Start Menu\Programs\Windows 2000/3 Support Tools\Tools)
WARNING: using ADSI edit (Active Directory Services Information Editor) incorrectly can cause serious problems with your Active directory network services that may require disaster recovery. Equisys cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of ADSI Editor can be solved. Use ADSI edit at your own risk. For information about ADSI edit, view the Help topic in ADSI edit.
- Navigate to the 'Connections' container of the default routing group of the Exchange server, you will find it under 'Configuration Container|Services|Microsoft Exchange|< Domain Name> |Administrative Groups|First Administrative Group|Routing Groups|First Routing Group|Connections'. Where < Domain Name> is the domain your Exchange server is a member of.

- Highlight the object named 'ZFConnector' and delete it.
Note: Ensure you only delete the object 'ZFConnector' and not the 'Connections' container.
- You may also have an object named 'Zetafax Connector'. This is the object name of an Exchange 5.5 connector on a system that has been upgraded from Exchange 5.5. This object may also be deleted.
- You should now be able to run the connector install successfully.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
For additional information on the Zetafax connector, please see the following Zetafax technical notes:
PRB: Zetafax Exchange 2000 connector will not start due to a logon failure
PRB: Zetafax Exchange 2000 connector stops soon after starting
HOWTO: Maintaining fax capabilities during migration to Exchange 2000
INFO: Installing the Zetafax Connector on Exchange 2003 server
Last updated: 24 November 2003 (JS/LD)