Extend your offering for results Blog author (PC) / miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015 It’s possible to enjoy success through partners by delivering highly repeatable add-on solutions that can be sold over and over. One of the key challenges faced by Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) like us is that we work within certain constraints – our marketing budgets have fewer digits than giants like McDonalds or Microsoft. As suppliers, it’s up to us to educate end users about how our solutions can save them money, or make their business more effective. Without the deep ... Read more
Lessons From 30 NHS Trusts Blog author (JG) / lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015 We have worked closely with NHS trusts across the UK for many years. In that time, we have uncovered a series of common challenges and opportunities. First, trust members share a strong desire to deliver excellent patient care. Second, they plan to improve the NHS and what it stands for – quality care for all. Today, the NHS is undergoing major changes to its core structure, including who makes decisions about services and the way money is spent. But it is also a time of great medical ... Read more
Signed, Faxed, Delivered Blog author (JG) / miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015 You need fax technology in some capacity. But do you still need a fax machine? In 1843, The Economist newspaper first published. The same year, one of the unsung heroes of modern technology was born. The fax machine. The system, which started as an ‘electric printing telegraph’, has outlasted seasoned innovations, such as the cassette player and floppy disk. The reliable fax machine has been trusted for years. Think of a time you had to send an original signature, urgently. Perhaps it ... Read more
From Bidding To Winning Greg Cole / martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015 Writing a strong proposal is tough. How can firms in the Architecture and Engineering (A/E) industry improve their bid writing for better outcomes? A firm in the A/E industry is the sum of its projects. But to secure projects, first, you need to bid for them. Bidding is an art. To win clients, you need to be able to predict project cost and profitability; and to do that, your proposals need to be evermore financially robust and accurate. Under the lid of the bid What can go wrong ... Read more
Do Your Reports Fall Short? Greg Cole / jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015 If you’re a business owner or manager, you need to make sure you’re on track to meet your goals. Are your reports helping you get there, or are they simply slowing you down? Every financial year, we all set ourselves new goals, creating personal plans and refining what we want our business to achieve. But a plan is no good if it’s not regularly reviewed. You need to know if you’re progressing towards your ultimate goals. The best way to measure outcomes is to examine business reports ... Read more