Sales order processing best practice – are you only seeing half the picture? Sales order processing best practice – are you only seeing half the picture? Blog author (PC) / martes, 17 de junio de 2014 When we first announced the availability of Zetadocs for NAV back in 2007, we communicated our vision to help finance departments eliminate the costs associated with the production and storage of paper documents. This aim was to deliver against our tagline “Capture. Deliver. Share” and to create the most comprehensive suite of document management solutions for NAV. Harnessing our experience as a supplier of electronic communications software, the first release of Zetadocs for NAV ... Read more
Faxing fit for the modern business Faxing fit for the modern business Blog author (JG) / viernes, 6 de junio de 2014 Fax machines have been relied upon and trusted for some time with electronic faxing helping many companies to become either completely paperless or less paper-dependent. However we have all been in the position where we have to send an important physical paper document by fax. Perhaps it is a financial document, a signed credit agreement or confidential patient record that can only be sent and received by fax for compliance, regulatory or legal reasons. The question is - what are the ... Read more