What’s next with Zetadocs Express What’s next with Zetadocs Express Greg Cole / viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013 Following on from Paul’s blog I wanted to explain more about the premise behind our Zetadocs Express edition and how it has so far developed and continues to develop alongside NAV. In October 2011, we released Zetadocs Express in conjunction with Microsoft so that their NAV customers on a Business Ready Enhancement Plan (BREP) could get a document management solution integrated with SharePoint Online. Zetadocs Express is used to drag and drop any file, email or attachment onto a ... Read more
New directions at Directions New directions at Directions Blog author (PC) / jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013 Flights booked. ☑ Hotel room. ☑ Passport. ☑ Purple Zetadocs polo shirt. ☑ I'm ready for Directions EMEA 2013 in Vienna, a city I've never had the pleasure of visiting before. Vienna will be a new experience for me but I’m a Directions veteran, having attended all 5 of the Directions EMEA conferences since the first conference in Disneyland Paris in 2008. But, I've never been quite as excited about a conference as I am about this one. Not only is the first annual release of NAV ... Read more
Has your business outgrown using Excel spreadsheets for time recording? Has your business outgrown using Excel spreadsheets for time recording? Blog author (CD) / viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013 Perhaps not if you are a stand-alone consultant. But for an organization with more than ten time-recording consultants, the pain of relying on spreadsheets can be felt all the way to the top. In most cases, recording time is simply a means to an end, and that end could be: invoicing customers by your finance team; tracking project profitability by project managers; monitoring staff performance and billable time by business owners; or analyzing overall company performance by FDs. Of ... Read more
When trust is just not enough When trust is just not enough Greg Cole / miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013 Recent legislation has tried to simplify the complex area of electronic invoicing for UK based companies trading internationally. EU Council Directive 2010/45/EU was developed in order to simplify invoicing rules and remove barriers by establishing equality between paper and electronic invoices. It came into force this year in recognition of the increased use of electronic invoicing and to help combat fraud. However, some tax authorities in EU member states still require electronic ... Read more
Are you considering switching to a hosted fax service? Are you considering switching to a hosted fax service? Gareth Williams / viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013 Hosted fax services are popular with individuals and home workers, and some service providers are now promoting these services for company use as well. At first sight the cost model of these services can seem attractive to some companies, particularly those with low fax usage. However here are six questions you should ask if you are considering switching from Zetafax to a hosted fax service. What would the effect be on your business if a fax was not sent or received correctly, or if ... Read more
“Would you like fries with that?” “Would you like fries with that?” Blog author (PC) / viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013 I have to admit that I’m a big admirer of the McDonalds fast food franchise. But, before I go any further, let me qualify that. In moderation there’s nothing wrong with a cheeky Big Mac and fries; however my admiration for the company stems from the fact that someone had the idea to put a burger, fries, drink and a toy in a box, and call it a “Happy Meal”. The “Happy Meal” generates excitement to kids the world over (mine included) about a trip to the “golden arches” – dragging their ... Read more