Constructing Happiness Blog author (CV) / miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015 The link between happiness, profitability and productivity is changing the way we think about work. Do you have the tools you need to make your team happy? Imagine the world’s happiest workers; now picture them wearing hard hats. Earlier this year TINYpulse surveyed 30,000 employees from more than 500 companies in the 2015 Best Industry Ranking report. It revealed that construction and facility service workers are the happiest employees. Why? Steady growth, job creation, development ... Read more
Ready, set, grow Greg Cole / martes, 11 de agosto de 2015 How can you turn resource headaches into high performing teams? With the recent upturn in the economy, businesses, in sectors from architecture to design and engineering, are preparing for expansion. In fact, the global construction market is forecast to grow by over 70 per cent by 2025, bringing changes in the international economy and creating new opportunities for the built environment. Growing a business is exciting. More opportunities means an increase in revenue and profits and ... Read more