Coinford case study – “Zetadocs has considerably reduced the quantity of paper we have to archive” How Coinford used Zetadocs for NAV to increase paperless business processes Blog author (SG) / viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018 About Coinford Established in 1981, Coinford has built up a reputation of experience and professionalism in the construction industry. Focusing on contracts ranging from £750,000 to £50 million ($1m - $70m), Coinford are the groundwork and concrete frame specialists throughout London and the South East of England. Challenges to overcome - “The main problem was paper - too much of it” - The company was already using Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but still had paper-based processes for document capturing and management. The finance team wanted to do away with paper - Invoices and remittance advices were still time-consuming, manual, paper-based processes The solution we delivered - Zetadocs integrated within the EVision construction accounting software, giving the Coinford team access to the full functionality of Zetadocs Capture and Zetadocs Delivery Plus - The project of porting of the software was originally done in September 2007 - The solution supports regular EVision upgrades, as well as new functionality What was achieved The original objective has been met as Zetadocs has considerably reduced the quantity of paper that Coinford has to archive. The Coinford finance team has moved away from paper-based processes and can now capture documents digitally, scan all invoices and use the Excel export ability to send out remittances electronically. They also send out electronic invoices and use the system to retrieve stored documents at the click of a button. Using the drag & drop functionality, the team can store emails and files electronically with links to NAV. They can also batch process emails, files and scanned documents using multi-user document queues. They are using configurable folders to organize their electronic archive in EVision and converting documents to PDF/A for long-term archiving compliance and improved searchability, alongside using metadata for better document indexing and filtering in SharePoint. Quotes “Zetadocs has improved productivity tremendously, it does what it says on the tin and makes the finding of documents a lot quicker and easier. You can use it from the comfort of your home office and it increases the speed of document sharing because you can just send links to documents. We want to use Zetadocs even more.” Suzy Pinsent, IT Consultant – Coinford Previous Article What’s new in Zetadocs Expenses March 2018 update Next Article Reign in those overstated mileage claims