Using configurable metadata with Zetadocs Delivery Essentials
When sending a report with Zetadocs for NAV such as an Order Confirmation, Invoice, Shipment etc. Zetadocs can apply a template to the outbound report. The Zetadocs Template can contain stationery (Overlays, Company Logos, Addressing information etc), attachments (Terms and Conditions of Sales, Bank Details etc.) as well a dynamic HTML email message.
Customers often want to customize the HTML email message to include other pieces of metadata. In the example below I will add the Shipment Date to the email message for the Sales Shipment report. Although I will show it in this environment, this could be any piece of metadata stored in the header table which the report runs on.
To set this up, Zetadocs for NAV needs to know which field in the header table to pull the metadata from, as well as outputting the piece of metadata as a specific name. It needs to be given a name so it can be pulled through into the email message correctly. Adding metadata can be done by running the Zetadocs Metadata Mappings Table and adding an appropriate entry. Highlighted in the below screenshot I have added an entry to pull metadata from field 21 in the Sales Shipment Header which contains the Shipment Date information. I can now output this as the metadata field name ZetadocsShipmentDate

Once the metadata entry has been added to the Zetadocs Metadata Mappings Table you need to embed the Metadata Field Name in the email message; which is done by editing the Zetadocs Template in the Zetadocs Client.
When you edit the template you skip through the template wizard to the email message, you then need to add the ZetadocsShipmentDate as an embedded command which I have shown in the below screenshot:-

Once the Zetadocs template has been configured and saved the output shipment report email should look like this:-

The dynamic HTML email message can be customized with multiple different fields to meet the customer requirements and there is no limit on the number of fields that can be added to the email message. This provides you with a flexible, easy to use platform to provide highly customized communications to your customers.
Why not learn about more Zetadocs features in My top Zetadocs for NAV features