Edit Mileage Rates
This user is able to configure System Settings.
Accessed via: Vehicle Types > Edit button
Different vehicle types can be set up to cater for a number of scenarios for expenditure incurred when using company or personal vehicles.
Adding, Editing and Deleting Mileage Rates
Note: It is best practice to add new mileage rates in advance of them coming into effect. This ensures the most up to date rates are used when recording mileage expenses.
A mileage rate is associated to a vehicle type. Multiple rates may need to be specified depending on the vehicle type configuration (e.g. if dual mileage rates apply and/or if the sales tax on mileage is being reclaimed).
oCreate a new rate by selecting the Add Rate button. Refer to the information below to understand how mileage rates can be configured.
oYou may Edit existing rates or Delete existing rates (using the
icon shown next to a rate) provided they have not already been used against a mileage expense.
Data Entry and Field Listings
Vehicle Type Details
The name of the Vehicle Type that is associated with this mileage rate. This field is populated automatically based on the Vehicle Type settings.
Mileage Rates
The date on which the mileage rate becomes effective. If only one rate is specified with ‘default’ shown in the date field, then this rate will apply at all times.
Mileage Rate
Specify the mileage rate that is payable for mileage expenses related to this vehicle type.
E.g. 0.45 pence or 0.57 cents per mile.
Mileage Rate 2
Note: Only shown if the Vehicle Type setting {Use Dual Mileage} is Yes
Specify the mileage rate that is payable for mileage expenses related to this vehicle type, once the “Rate Boundary” distance has been reached (as specified in the Vehicle Type Settings).
E.g. If the Vehicle Type settings include a rate boundary = 10,000 miles, then the first 10,000 miles that a member of staff does in any single year will be payable at the rate specified in the “Mileage Rate” field, with any additional mileage then payable at the rate specified in the “Mileage Rate 2” field.
Note: In the UK, advisory fuel rates are provided by the government tax office (HMRC) that include two different rates – one for up to 10,000 miles and another for each additional mile, all within a given tax year.
Fuel Rate
Note: Only shown if the Vehicle Type setting {Reclaim Mileage Sales Tax} is Yes
Specify the rate (including sales tax / VAT) at which the sales tax can be reclaimed from the government.
E.g. 0.13 pence per mile
Note: This only applies to countries like the UK where companies can reclaim sales tax on some or all of the mileage expenses which they pay their employees.
In the UK the gross amounts for which tax can be reclaimed are called “advisory fuel rates”. These are published by the government tax office (HMRC) and depend on the engine size and fuel type.
Sales Tax
Note: Only shown if the Vehicle Type setting {Reclaim Mileage Sales Tax} is Yes
Select the tax rate that applies to mileage expenses. (The rates shown are those that have been configured in Zetadocs Expenses System Setting).
e.g. VAT 20%
Note: This only applies to countries like the UK where companies can reclaim sales tax on some or all of the mileage expenses which they pay their employees.
Tax Reclaim
Note: Only shown if the Vehicle Type setting {Reclaim Mileage Sales Tax} is Yes
This field calculates the tax amount that can be reclaimed (based on the fuel rate and sales tax that have been specified).
e.g. If the fuel rate is 12 pence per mile, with a sales tax rate of 20%, then a tax reclaim amount of 2 pence per mile would be calculated (0.12 / 120 * 20).