This user is able to configure System Settings.
Accessed via:
> System Settings
Note: Allowances are only available in Essentials and Plus editions.
Manage Daily Allowances from this screen.
Creating and Managing
Create new Allowances using the Add New Allowance button.
oManage Allowances via the
icon located to the right of the list.
The unique name given to the Daily Allowance.
Display Name
The name of the Daily Allowance as it is to be displayed to the submitter in the mobile app.
Allowance Type
This is always set to 'Daily Allowance' and cannot be changed.
Daily Allowances
Expense Type
Shows all expense types with a category of 'Allowance Daily' defined. Choose an Expense Type to be associated with this Allowance.
It is recommended that you only include these if your company has specific allowances for any of these settings.
If you don't have specific allowances please disable these settings. You will then be expected to record your allowances on a daily basis e.g. Single Day, First Day, Full Day, Last Day.
Please refer to How Daily Rates are Applied for details on how to apply these rates.
Additional notes relating to the daily allowance setup can be entered here. These notes will not be visible anywhere else in the system.
Edit Values button
Used to Add, Edit, or Delete the Allowance values. Refer to Edit Daily Rates for more details.
Allowance Users
Allowance Users
Allow All Users - All users have access to this Allowance type.
Allow Listed Users1 - Limit this Allowance type to a defined set of employees. Staff not included in this list will not have visibility of the Allowance type.
Enabling / Disabling
oBy default, any disabled allowances are hidden from the list. This ensures the list remains 'current'. However, you can include these in the list by placing a tick in the Include Disabled Allowances check box..
oAllowances can be disabled via the Enable / Disable toggle.
Changing the Display Order
Note: The default allowance cannot be disabled.
oAllowances can also be promoted / demoted in the list by dragging the
icon located to the left of the allowance.
oUse the Save button to save the list order. This order is then used in all Allowance drop down selectors.