The Approval Details Page
The Approval Details page displays detailed information on a particular approval request, it is displayed whenever you select the manage icon next to an approval request or click a link in a Zetadocs Approval request email.
It consists of four core parts:
SummaryContains a selection of summary information from your Accounting software, this is taken as a snapshot when the approval is requested and enables users who are not Accounting software users to gain access to information that would otherwise be unavailable to them. As such any changes to the data in your Accounting software will not be reflected beyond this point. Only 6 lines of summary data are displayed by default to view any remaining fields simply click the
The display changes based upon the document type you are processing, for an invoice it would include the following fields: Invoice Amount – The total value of the invoice. Invoice Due Date – The date the invoice requires payment by. Vendor Name – The company who sent the invoice. Vendor Invoice Number – The Invoice number specified by the Vendor who has submitted the invoice for payment. Purchaser Code – The purchaser code in your Accounting software is used to identify the user who ordered the items or services on the invoice. Discount Date – The date on which a discount for prompt or early payment is revoked. Discount – The amount of discount that is available if the invoice is paid by the discount date. Additional Custom Fields - Zetadocs Approvals allows for up 10 custom fields to be pulled from the your accounting software. These are configured during the installation process and can be any text field that your administrator wished to include. Often includes: Department Code and Project Code.
Related DocumentsThe related documents section contains links to any documents or files that are stored in the SharePoint archive and are associated with the invoice being viewed. Clicking on an item in the related documents will open it using the default option for the type of file being selected.
HistoryThe history section contains information on each of the key stages of the approval and any associated comments that have been made during the life of the approval. Only the last few history entries are displayed by default to view any remaining entries simply click the
It will contain entries when: •Approvals are started •Task created for an approver •Approvals are Approved •Approvals are Rejected •Approvals are Delegated •Approvals are Stopped Each entry contains the details of the user who performed the action, when it was raised and any comments that were made.
Line ItemsLine items is the term used to describe the items contained in an quote, order or invoice. Whilst the summary provides you with an overview of the whole item to be approved the line items are the details of the goods and services that make up the transaction. The first three line items from the document are displayed by default in the wide table on the Approval Details page, should there be more records available a
It contains the following information: Type – The type of item being purchased, accounting software often has different types to distinguish goods from services etc. No. – The number or code used to identify the item in the accounting software. Description – A description of the item being purchased. Quantity – The volume of the item being purchased. Unit – The unit of measure that the item comes in e.g. Piece, Kg, Pallet. Line Amount – The value of this particular line. Custom Line Item Fields – Zetadocs allows you to add custom line item fields relevant to your organization. It is possible to add up 10 custom fields, which are configured during the installation process and can be any text field that your administrator wished to include.
Approver DetailsThe Approver Details section contains the Assign To field for identifying the Approvers you wish to submit approval tasks to. You can manually select up to 5 approvers.
Assign To The Assign To field is used when assigning an Approval request to another approvals user. When starting an approval this is the field you use to identify which of the approvers in your system you wish to assign the approval request to. When Starting an approval should your system be configured with Approval Rules a recommended approver or approvers may have been added in the form of drop down menus, these can be changed as required. Otherwise simply select an approver from the drop down menu, to add additional approvers click the
Available Actions
Add Comment The Add Comment field allows you to add additional information, which will be displayed in the history and presented to the next person in the approval chain in the email notifying them that they have been allocated a task. Simply add a comment in the Add Comment field before you select any action such as Start or Approve to add extra information to the approval.
The actions that are available depend on the stage of the approval process but can include: