Address book
Zetafax has its own address books: a network one shared by all users, and a private one for individual users. If you have an email system configured, you can also use the email address books in the same way as when you are addressing a mail message.
Zetafax now enables annotation of received faxes. For example, comments can be added to a fax, it can be combined with pages from different faxes, or stamped with a received date.
Application Programmers Interface (API)
To automate faxing from other software such as CRM or accounting systems, the fully supported Zetafax API Toolkit is designed specifically for Visual Basic and C++/COM programmers.
Application servers
Zetafax supports these server-based (thin client) computing platforms: Citrix MetaFrame/Presentation Server, Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Server 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Small Business Server 2003.
Zetafax allows you to archive every fax sent or received onto disk, allowing you to retrieve them days or even months later. You can also print faxes automatically on any network printer with an optional status page giving the connection time and details.
Attachment files
Any document sent or received as a fax can be saved as an attachment file. This includes images in any of the supported graphics formats (ASCII, PCX, DCX, Epson FX and LQ series, TIFF, Windows metafile bitmaps) as well as any Word, pdf or text file.
Automatic forwarding
Zetafax can forward all received faxes to another user and you can even keep a copy of the faxes for your records. Automatic forwarding can work repeatedly in a chain if necessary, so if the person looking after your messages also goes away their messages can be forwarded on to someone else.
Automatic submission program
The API's ZSUBMIT program lets DOS, mini and mainframe programs send faxes by creating text files in a shared directory on a file server. Logos and signatures can be included and text can be merged onto a multi-page form using the letterhead feature.
Billing log - FAX.LOG
The billing log file is the basis for all reports on outgoing faxes accessible from the Reports feature in the Zetafax Server. Alternatively, the billing log file may be converted into a suitable format for a spreadsheet/analysis program using the LOGCVT program supplied.
Brooktrout fax cards
Zetafax supports Brooktrout intelligent fax cards under Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003. Brooktrout boards support DID, help to reduce call times and telephone costs.
Charge Codes
Charge codes can be enabled and made optional or compulsory using the Zetafax Configuration program. Users are prompted to enter a charge code after addressing the fax in the Addressing Dialog Box. Charge codes are logged in the billing log (FAX.LOG).
Contact managers
Zetafax can be used with most popular contact manager applications to retrieve lists of names used to address faxes and perform personalized fax broadcasts to multiple recipients.
Zetafax allows you to configure personalized coversheets for use when sending faxes. Coversheets can contain text that changes with each fax (such as the name and organization) and also fixed information such as the company logo.
Coversheet Editor
The Zetafax Coversheet Editor allows you to create and edit a coversheet in a single window. You can import, position and re-size image files such as a company logo, and overlay text and field boxes to further enhance the presentation.
Desktop faxing
Zetafax allows you to send and receive faxes directly from your desktop. It works with the majority of desktop applications so you can fax directly from most software packages.
DDI routing
Many companies have a phone system where each extension can be dialled directly from outside the company, rather than going via the switchboard. The technology behind this is called Direct Dialing Inwards (DDI or DID) and is as applicable to fax as it is to voice calls.
DOCTIFF is a rendering engine add-on for Zetafax which allows over 200 different file formats to be converted to fax format. It is used with the web client, email gateway and API.
DTMF routing
The method Zetafax uses for DDI routing is to recognize DTMF tones sent to the fax server just after it answers the call, telling it what number was dialled. These are the musical tones generated by most telephones when the number keys are pressed.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
DDE is a method of passing information between Windows applications. You can pass addressing information from other Windows applications to the Zetafax client, removing the need to address the fax manually using the addressing dialog box.
Email gateway
The Zetafax email gateway allows users on the network to send and receive fax messages directly from their email client. Zetafax integrates with leading email systems like Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes/Domino and most SMTP servers.
Embedded addressing
Use embedded addressing to send faxes from a database or using Word's mail-merge. Each recipients' copy will be personalized, removing the laborious task of doing this individually. Coversheets, letterheads, attachments, priority and time can all be controlled.
Event viewer
The Windows Event viewer allows you to monitor any problems that may occur on the Zetafax server during everyday use. It provides information about such events as errors, warnings, and the success or failure of tasks.
Fax class
The service class of the fax modem describes the specification that a PC uses to communicate with the fax modem. The most common classes of fax modem are Class 1, Class 2 and Class 2.0.
Fax class 1
A class 1 fax modem is little more than a data modem with a few extra frequencies that are necessary for group III fax transmission.
Fax class 2
Class 2 is a higher level specification than class 1. More of the fax protocol work is done within the fax modem firmware. This fax service class specification was never formally approved by the ITU.
Fax class 2.0
Class 2.0 is similar to the Class 2 specification, but has been formally approved by the ITU.
Fax group
The group of a fax device describes the method it uses to communicate with other fax devices (e.g. over the telephone PSTN). The most common group is Group III.
see Billing log
FCLASS is the name of the Zetafax device driver that is used to control fax modems.
For example, a Zetafax server that has been configured to use 4 fax modems would have drivers named (by default), FCLASS-1, FCLASS-2, FCLASS-3 and FCLASS-4.
File formats
The following file formats are supported natively by Zetafax: ASCII, DCX, EPS bitmaps, Epson FX and LQ series, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PDF, PICT, Targa, TIFF, Windows metafile bitmaps, WordPerfect metafile bitmaps.
Fax over IP Connector
The Zetafax Fax over IP Connector (chargeable add-on) provides an efficient way to integrate a fax server and phone systems. Voice over IP (VoIP) phone systems can be used for faxing directly, saving the cost of installing separate phone lines for the use by the fax Server.
The group of a fax device describes the method it uses to communicate with other fax devices (e.g. over the telephone PSTN). The most common group is Group III.
Hewlett Packard Digital Sender
By using Zetafax and the HP Digital Sender, users can convert paper documents into electronic information that can be easily shared, faxed, edited, emailed, stored and printed.
Intelligent fax boards
Zetafax supports intelligent fax boards from leading manufacturers Brooktrout and Dialogic. Intelligent fax boards support DDI, reduce call times and transfer more of the call processing load from the fax server's main processor to the fax board.
Integrated fax viewer
Faxes sent for preview and faxes received into the Zetafax Client or Outlook Inbox can be viewed through the Zetafax integrated fax viewer. The viewer allows you to rotate and view faxes at 3 different resolutions and jump to different pages using thumbnail views.
A telephone line with basic ISDN configuration. This consists of two B-channels that can carry voice or data at a rate of 64 Kbps , and one D-channel, which carries call-control information.
A telephone line with an ISDN service designed for larger organizations. It includes 30 B-channels (23 in North America ) which carry data at 64Kbps and one D-Channel for call control information.
Independent Software Vendor. A company that produces customized software products for one or more computing platforms.
Least Cost Routing
Faxes can now be routed between Zetafax servers automatically using existing computer networks (WANs) or the Internet. The advantage of this system is a reduction in fax phone costs. LCR has been designed for use by companies of all sizes with multiple sites.
Each letterhead for use with Zetafax is stored as a multi-page graphics file. When sending a fax, the pages of the document being sent are merged with the letterhead pages to appear on screen as if you have printed your documents onto corporate letterhead.
MAPI address book
If you have an e-mail system configured, you can use the email system (MAPI) address books instead of the Zetafax address book to address your fax message in the Zetafax Client.
MMC Snap-in
The Zetafax configuration program is a Snap-in for Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Task Pads make it simpler for network administrators to configure the Zetafax server and perform routine tasks like enabling additional Zetafax users or adding devices.
Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator. A device that allows the sending of data and/or fax between computers over the telephone network.
Multi-document faxing
The Zetafax client facilitates the sending of multiple computer files as a single fax message. Multi-document faxes can combine different file types, for example PDF, Word, WordPerfect and Excel documents, into one fax message.
Notebook computer
The Zetafax server comes with an option to install a fax server onto a notebook computer, so you can send and receive faxes while away from the office. If your PC is not connected to a network fax server, Zetafax will start up locally, using the fax modem in your PC.
Open DataBase Connectivity. A standard database access method designed to access data from any application. Zetafax can link to an external data source via an ODBC link, allowing it to access data from another application's database, i.e. for addressing faxes.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is used to convert a received fax image into a text file, suitable for reading into a word processor. This requires the program to look at the dots in the received image, trying to recognize the individual letters and words.
A number of permission and logging options allow the Network Administrator to manage usage of Zetafax. For example, who can submit urgent priority messages, what information users can find out about each other's use of fax who can edit address book.
Performance Monitor
The Windows Performance Monitor application allows you to monitor the performance of Zetafax servers either locally or remotely. It uses a number of counters to track data such as failed faxes and you can also set alerts to warn when a threshold value is exceeded.
Printer driver
Zetafax has a printer driver which allows you to convert computer files to a format suitable for faxing. The Zetafax printer driver takes the output from any Windows application, converts it into TIFF or PDF format and sending via the Zetafax server.
Queue manager
The queue manager, QUEUEMAN, maintains queues of messages waiting to be processed. New messages are submitted to QUEUEMAN, which queues them, runs convert programs to generate the correct format for transmission, then submits the message.
Zetafax can use a number of methods for delivering received faxes automatically to their intended recipient. These include giving each user their own fax number, or specifying that all faxes from a given company should be sent to a particular user.
If you have a suitable scanning device, you can scan in letterheads, coversheets, and graphics for inclusion in a fax. Zetafax can also be used with a network attached scanning device, such as Hewlett Packard Digital Sender.
Sender ID routing
Each fax system has a "signature" which allows the recipient to recognize who sent the fax. This is called Calling Line Identification (CLI), Station Identifier or CSID..With Zetafax you can create a list of sender IDs whose faxes should be routed to designated recipients.
Send fax form
The send fax form makes it easier for users to address e-mails to fax recipients. Outlook users simply select the "New fax" button, a new send fax form will appear. Once the user has entered the addressing details, these will be stored in the Zetafax Client for future use.
Server-based rendering
Email users can send messages with attachments to fax recipients. Zetafax will convert the message's attachments into group 3 TIFF format at the fax server. This process is known as server based rendering.
Short Message Service. A feature of GSM networks which allows messages of up to 160 characters to be sent to and from mobile phones.
SMTP e-mail gateway
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - a protocol for sending email messages between servers. Zetafax has an email gateway for SMTP mail systems which allows network users to send and receive faxes, just like email.
Software Assurance
Software Assurance enables you to use our support services, via email and telephone, and also entitles you to software version upgrades with no additional charges for one year
SR140 is a piece of Brooktrout software which allows Zetafax to provide a Fax Over IP solution.
Station ID suffix
Also called "colon routing". If you are sending a fax to another Zetafax system you can specify the recipient's username to route the fax directly to that user. You can also set up other names such as extension numbers or descriptive names (for example "SALES").
SMS messaging.
Zetafax can use a multi-page fax TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format for fax images. For more information on supported file formats look up 'file formats' in the glossary.
Transmission reports
Zetafax can store and print transmission history for each sent fax. Users can view transmission reports via their Zetafax client and network administrators can configure the Zetafax server to print a transmission report for each successful or failed sent fax.
The standard for modems sending and receiving data at faster speeds across phone lines (up to 28,800 bps). V.34 modems automatically adjust their transmission speeds based on the quality of the phone lines.
Value Added Reseller. An IT reseller which also offers services.
- see Integrated fax viewer
Zetafax Report Writer
The Zetafax Report Writer can generate reports that highlight faxing trends on a firm's Zetafax server. It analyses information from the billing log file and outputs information on screen, to a printer or exported to a number of different formats for analysis.
The API's ZSUBMIT program lets programs send faxes by creating text files in a shared directory on a file server. Logos and signatures can be included and the text may be merged onto a multi-page form using the letterhead feature in Zetafax.